Securing a Safe Learning Environment at 91青青草

Kennesaw State University recognizes and is committed to upholding the First Amendment rights of all individuals, including freedom of speech and peaceable assembly. 91青青草 also recognizes its responsibility to provide a secure learning environment that allows individuals enrolled at or employed by 91青青草 to express their views in ways that do not disrupt the operation of the University. 

Free Speech Card

Kennesaw State University Freedom of Expression Policy

Download a copy of the policy
  • Kennesaw State University (鈥91青青草鈥) recognizes and is committed to upholding the First Amendment rights of all individuals, including the guarantees of freedom of speech and expression, and the right to assemble peaceably. 91青青草 also recognizes its responsibility to provide a secure learning and campus environment, protect and preserve University property, and to safeguard the legal rights of the 91青青草 campus community. To achieve these objectives, the University may regulate the time, place, and manner of expression as outlined in this policy. By placing reasonable limitations on time, place, and manner of speech, 91青青草 does not take into consideration or take a position on the content or viewpoint of the expression, but allows for a diversity of viewpoints to be expressed. It is also imperative that those engaged in expressive activities do so in ways that do not disrupt the operation or activities of the University.

    For more information about 91青青草's Freedom of Expression Policy, and additional resources, including a Public Forum Reservation Request form, please visit

  • Members of the public and the 91青青草 campus community.
  • The policy does not apply to University-sponsored activities or indoor areas. Rather, the policy only sets forth reasonable time, place, and manner restrictions on campus expression; and it establishes, as designated public forums, certain outdoor areas of 91青青草鈥檚 campus and sets forth requirements for forum reservations in the following limited circumstances: (1) 91青青草 students, faculty or staff who plan an event with 30 or more persons and (2) individuals or groups who are not members of the 91青青草 community who wish to speak on 91青青草鈥檚 campus.

  • When used throughout this policy, 鈥expressive activity鈥 and 鈥expression鈥 means noncommercial communicative conduct or activity protected by the First Amendment, including speeches, performances, demonstrations, marches, protests, picketing, and the distribution of non- commercial literature. 鈥淓xpressive activity鈥 or 鈥渆xpression鈥 is not intended to mean ordinary, day-to-day conversations among members of the 91青青草 community. Commercial speech is regulated by 91青青草 solicitation policies (e.g., Advertising Policy, Student Code of Conduct, and Posting and Advertising Policies for 91青青草 Registered Student Organizations). Demonstrations and assembly can be valid expression for all opinions, including dissenting opinions, provided that the demonstration or assembly does not disrupt the academic or administrative functions of the University. 91青青草 affirms its commitment to the First Amendment rights of those on its campuses even though the language or ideals of those seeking a venue for free expression may contradict University ideals or the personal views of 91青青草 students and employees.

    Individuals or groups of people who are not members of the campus community may only engage in expressive activity on 91青青草鈥檚 campus in accordance with Sections 7-9 of this policy.

    The 91青青草 campus community means students, faculty, staff, and their invited guests, provided such guests are in the company of the inviting party.

    Spontaneous expression is defined as expressive activity that is not planned more than twenty-four (24) hours prior to such activity.

    For members of the 91青青草 campus community, the unrestricted outdoor areas of campus are deemed public forums and venues for expression. Restricted outdoor areas of campus include, but are not limited to: the 91青青草 Sports and Recreation Park, Fifth Third Bank Stadium, Bailey Athletic Complex, Campus Entry Lawn, S. Walter Kelly Sr. Memorial Field, athletic fields, parking lots and decks, and active campus construction areas. The designation of public forum areas herein may not be used to prohibit the 91青青草 campus community from engaging in expressive activities consistent with this policy elsewhere on campus.

  • While all the unrestricted outdoor areas of campus are deemed public forums and venues for expression for members of the 91青青草 campus community, 91青青草 has also designated the following highly visible locations as public forums on 91青青草鈥檚 campus (鈥淒esignated Campus Areas鈥):

    • Kennesaw Campus: Campus Green Zones 1 through 7, as depicted and described on the attached 鈥淐ampus Green Map.鈥
    • Marietta Campus: By the Globe between the Administration Building and the Joe Mack Wilson Student Center.

    These Designated Campus Areas are generally available to the 91青青草 campus community from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., provided that they have not previously been reserved. They are available to individuals or groups not enrolled at or employed by 91青青草 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, provided that they have not previously been reserved. The Designated Campus Areas are closed for the first full week of classes and final exam weeks of each semester. This policy does not apply to the reservation of indoor facilities, which is governed by procedures set forth at .

    Reservations will only be processed on days that 91青青草鈥檚 Administrative Offices are open for business (鈥渦niversity business days鈥). Though reservations to use the Designated Campus Areas are only required as described in Sections 6-9 of this Policy, 91青青草 recommends that all parties interested in utilizing the Designated Campus Areas submit a completed Reservation Request Form to 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students prior to use so that 91青青草 may minimize scheduling conflicts, accommodate all interested users, and provide adequate security for the speaker and the audience.

    Campus Green Map
  • I. Planned Large Group Expression

    91青青草 students, faculty or staff who plan to engage in expressive activity on campus in a group that is expected to consist of 30 or more persons, not including those who may gather to protest the expressive activity, must submit a completed Reservation Request Form to 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students four university business days prior to the scheduled activity pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 8 below and must receive approval in writing from a Student Affairs official prior to engaging in such activity. Prior notice is required to ensure that there is sufficient space for the large group event, that necessary University resources are available for crowd control and security, and that the academic and other operations of the University are not disrupted. To ensure the safety and security of campus, planned large group expression activities are limited to Designated Campus Areas.

    The Student Affairs official may only deny a reservation for the limited reasons set forth in Section E below.

    II. Spontaneous Large Group Expression

    If an individual or small group of individuals within the 91青青草 community, while engaging in spontaneous expression, attracts a group of 30 or more persons (not including those who may gather to protest the expression), then a representative from the group should provide the University with as much notice as circumstances reasonably permit. 91青青草 reserves the right to direct a group of 30 or more persons to one of the Designated Campus Areas or another available area of campus in order to ensure the safety of campus members, to provide for proper crowd control, and to limit disruption of the academic and other operations of the University. The 91青青草 official must not consider or impose restrictions based on the content or viewpoint of the expression when relocating any groups engaged in expressive activity.

  • Individuals or groups of people who are not enrolled at or employed by 91青青草 may only engage in expressive activity on 91青青草鈥檚 campus in the Designated Campus Areas and only after submitting a completed Reservation Request Form to 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students at least four (4) university business days prior to the scheduled speech and obtaining approval for such use in writing from a Student Affairs official pursuant to the procedures set forth in Section 8 below. Organizers are encouraged to submit their requests as early in the planning stages of the event as possible. This provision does not apply to 91青青草 invited classroom visitors or to any University-sponsored events.

  • Completed Reservation Request Forms (available at should be submitted to 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students in person or by email to at least four university business days prior to the scheduled event. Reservation scheduling will be coordinated by a Student Affairs official, who will schedule forums for expression on a first-come, first-served basis. The Student Affairs official must respond to all requests in writing as soon as practicable, but in no event more than two university business days following receipt of the request, either authorizing the reservation and noting any special instructions, if applicable, or setting forth the reason for denial of the reservation. The Student Affairs official may only deny a reservation request for one of the following reasons:

    1. The Reservation Request Form is not fully completed;
    2. The Reservation Request Form contains a material falsehood or misrepresentation;
    3. The Student Affairs official determines that the individual or organization making the request is doing so on behalf of an individual or third party otherwise not permitted to make such reservation request themselves (known as 鈥渇ronting鈥);
    4. The Designated Campus Area(s) requested has/have been reserved by persons who previously submitted a completed Reservation Request Form, in which case the University must provide a reservation for the applicant at an alternate location, alternate date, or alternate time;
    5. The use or activity intended by the applicant would conflict with or disturb previously planned programs organized and conducted by the University;
    6. The Designated Campus Area(s) requested is/are not large enough to accommodate the expected or actual number of persons engaging in large group expression, in which case the University must provide a reservation for the applicant at an alternate location that can safely accommodate the applicant provided that the applicant is a member of the 91青青草 community and that such a location exists on 91青青草鈥檚 campuses;
    7. The use or activity intended by the applicant would present a danger to the health or safety of the applicant, other members of the 91青青草 community, or the public;
    8. The use or activity intended by the applicant is prohibited by law, Board of Regents鈥 Policy, or 91青青草 Policy;
    9. The request seeks to reserve the Designated Campus Areas during the first full week of classes and final exam weeks of each semester;
    10. The applicant seeks to reserve a location on campus other than the Designated Campus Areas; or
    11. The use or activity intended by the applicant would violate the General Provisions in Section F below.

    To allow for a diversity of viewpoints to be expressed, if an individual or group has three (3) or more reservations confirmed within a calendar month, the individual or group may not submit an additional reservation request for that calendar month until four (4) University business days prior to the requested reservation date. If, at that time, the additional reservation request conflicts with that of another individual or group (i.e., seeks to reserve the same location at the same time) that does not already have three (3) or more reservations confirmed within that calendar month, the reservation request of the other individual or group shall have priority.

    When assessing a reservation request, the Student Affairs official must not consider or impose restrictions based on the content or viewpoint of the expression, including the possible reaction to the content or viewpoints anticipated to be expressed during the event. The Designated Campus Area(s) is not reserved until the requestor receives an email confirmation from the Student Affairs official, which shall contain the name of the event; the date, time, and location of the event; and the name of the individual making the reservation request.

    Any denial of a reservation request in whole or in part may be appealed to 91青青草鈥檚 Vice President for Student Affairs in writing setting forth the reasons why the appeal should be granted. 91青青草鈥檚 Vice President for Student Affairs or designee must respond to the appeal in writing within two university business days. The decision of 91青青草鈥檚 Vice President of Student Affairs or designee is final.

  • In addition to the requirements set forth above, all individuals expressing themselves on 91青青草鈥檚 campus must comply with the below provisions. 91青青草 may exclude from its property and facilities any individual who fails to comply with these provisions, and members of the 91青青草 community who fail to comply with these provisions may be subject to disciplinary action:

    • No interference with the free flow of vehicular, bicycle, or pedestrian traffic within or under the control of the 91青青草 campus or the ingress and egress to buildings on campus is permitted.
    • Amplified sound, including the use of microphones or bullhorns, is governed by 91青青草鈥檚 Outdoor Amplified Sound Policy.
    • Expressive activities may not interrupt normal educational functions or other University activities, including University ceremonies and events.
    • Motor vehicles may not be used indoors or in any outdoor area of campus except roads and parking lots.
    • The representative who makes the reservation shall be responsible for seeing that the area is left clean and in good repair. If not accomplished, persons or organizations responsible for the event may be held financially responsible for cleanup costs for removal of signs, placards, litter, and other materials left by the representative鈥檚 speaker or group.
    • Expressive activities may not take place in a location that has already been reserved for another event.
    • Non-commercial pamphlets, handbills, circulars, newspapers, magazines, and other written materials may only be distributed on a person-to-person basis in outdoor, publicly accessible areas of campus. Distributors of materials such as brochures and leaflets must allow people to decline to receive the materials and may not prevent people from receiving other material or engaging with another person, and are responsible for recycling or otherwise removing from University property any discarded or undistributed materials.
    • Expressive activities must not create a clear threat to public health or safety. Physical violence, threats of physical violence, and destruction of property, are strictly prohibited, and the University may exclude from its property and facilities any individual who violates this prohibition.
    • Temporary or permanent damage, defacement, alteration, or destruction of property owned or operated by the University or property belonging to students, faculty, staff, or guests of the University is prohibited. Persons or organizations causing such damage may be held financially and/or criminally responsible.
    • Expressive activities may not include the temporary or permanent installation of structures (including, but not limited to, signage, tents, walls, barriers, sculptures, artwork, etc.) unless such installation has been approved in advance by 91青青草鈥檚 Event and Venue Management Department, and/or the Department of Student Activities,  or, as necessary, the Environmental Health and Safety Department, or designee. Any installation or activity in violation of this policy is subject to immediate removal.
    • The overnight use of University property for expressive activity is prohibited.
    • Expressive activities may not involve the use of open flame devices, bonfires, or the lighting of any material on fire; provided, however, that small handheld candles may be permitted if in compliance with 91青青草 Fire and Life Safety policies and procedures, and with special permission from the Office of the Dean of Students, or its designee.
    • Except as allowed under the 91青青草 Posting and Chalking Policy, affixing items to any permanent structure (e.g., buildings, fences, trees, etc.), including through projection, is prohibited.
    • Expressive activities may not disrupt or preclude a scheduled speaker from being heard.
    • Individuals and groups of individuals expressing themselves on 91青青草鈥檚 campus must comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws; Board of Regents鈥 policies; and 91青青草 policies, rules, and regulations.
    • Security fees may be assessed consistent with 91青青草鈥檚 Security Policy. See

    Authorization of a speech, event, or demonstration is contingent upon compliance with the criteria listed above. The authorized representative of the speaker or group is required to sign a form acknowledging compliance with these administrative procedures and guidelines and acknowledging that the University will not be held responsible for the actions of participants in the expression. Additionally, the authorized representative must sign a form acknowledging agreement to make restitution for any litter or property damage that is caused by the representative鈥檚 speaker or group. Noncompliance with this Policy, other University policies, and/or applicable law could result in sanctioning through the Student Conduct and Academic Integrity process (for students) or employee disciplinary action, both of which could result in consequences, including, but not limited to, the revocation of privileges under this Policy, including the cancellation of future existing reservations and/or restrictions on the ability to reserve access in the Designated Forums. Additionally, noncompliance may result in arrest, a trespass warning, or any other disciplinary or judicial action allowed under applicable law or policy.

    91青青草 Public Safety and other appropriate administrators will be notified upon receipt of the reservation request. The reservation request is a public record and submitted requests will be released to interested parties in accordance with the terms of the Georgia Open Records Act.

    The University reserves the right to refuse to permit individuals or groups to assemble, demonstrate, protest, or otherwise express themselves in the Designated Campus Areas if the individual or group refuses to abide by this Policy, administrative procedures, and/or guidelines. The University further reserves the right to modify or end any expressive activity permitted under this Policy if the University reasonably determines that continuing such expressive activity creates an imminent threat to public health or safety, and that the modification or cessation of such expressive activity has a substantial likelihood of mitigating such threat. Such action by the University shall be made in a content-neutral and viewpoint-neutral manner with respect to the nature of the expressive activity, and in consultation with appropriate authorities (e.g., law enforcement, public health authorities, and governmental agencies).

    91青青草 cannot be held responsible for the safety of children or other individuals participating in an event. Persons under the age of 12 years old must be accompanied by an adult.

  • Questions about this policy may be addressed to the 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students at 470- 578-6367 or

    Effective Date: October 5, 2018

    Revised: August 15, 2022, August 22, 2023

    Last Reviewed: August 2024

    Download the Freedom of Expression Policy

Frequently Asked Questions

  • As defined in the Freedom of Expression Policy, 鈥渆xpressive activity鈥 or 鈥渆xpression鈥 means non-commercial speech and activities that are protected by the First Amendment. Examples of expressive activities include speeches, performances, demonstrations, marches, protests, picketing, and the distribution of non-commercial literature.
  • Speech is only one type of expression or expressive activity. The First Amendment protects both expression and speech. 
  • If you are a 91青青草 student, faculty, or staff member, or their invited guest, then you are considered part of the 鈥91青青草 campus community鈥 under the Freedom of Expression policy. Members of the 91青青草 campus community may engage in expressive activity in any unrestricted, outdoor area of campus. Note: If you are planning an expressive activity and anticipate 30 or more individuals will participate, please see Section C(I) of the Freedom of Expression Policy.

    Individuals or groups who are not members of the 91青青草 campus community may engage in expressive activities in the Designated Campus Areas of the Marietta and Kennesaw campuses after obtaining approval from the Office of the Dean of Students. To receive approval, such individuals or groups must submit a  to 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students at least four University business days prior to the scheduled expressive activity.

  • 鈥淩estricted鈥 outdoor areas of campus include, but are not limited to, the 91青青草 Sports and Recreation Park, Fifth Third Bank Stadium, Bailey Athletic Complex, Campus Entry Law, S. Walter Kelly Sr. Memorial Field, athletics fields, parking lots and decks and active campus construction areas.
  • For members of the 91青青草 campus community, 91青青草 has deemed all the unrestricted outdoor areas of its campuses as public forums and venues of expression. 91青青草 has also designated the following highly visible locations as public forums:

    • Kennesaw Campus: Campus Green Zones 1-7.
    • Marietta Campus: By the Globe between the Administration Building (Building B) and the Joe Mack Wilson Student Center (Building A), as shown on the .

    These areas are referred to in the Freedom of Expression Policy as 鈥淒esignated Campus Areas.鈥

  • 91青青草 Campus Community: No. For members of the 91青青草 campus community, all unrestricted, outdoor areas are available for expressive activity. However, because the University has a responsibility to provide a secure learning environment and must ensure that the University can continue its academic and administrative operations, 91青青草 reserves the right to direct groups of 30 or more individuals who are engaging in spontaneous expression to one of the Designated Campus Areas or other available areas.

    Members of the 91青青草 campus community who plan to engage in expressive activity on campus with a group of 30 or more individuals must submit a completed  to 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students at least four University business days prior to the scheduled activity and receive approval in writing prior to engaging in such activity. Reservations must be completed as set forth in Section E of the Freedom of Expression Policy. Prior notice is required to ensure that there is sufficient space for the large group event, that necessary University resources are available for crowd control and security, and that the academic and other operations of the University are not disrupted. To ensure the safety and security of campus, planned large group expression activities are limited to Designated Campus Areas. 

    Non-91青青草 Campus Community: Individuals who are not enrolled at 91青青草, employed by 91青青草, or an invited guest may only engage in expressive activity in the Designated Campus Areas if they have made a reservation in accordance with Section D of the Freedom of Expression Policy. This does not apply to 91青青草 invited classroom visitors or to any University-sponsored events.

  • The  is available at 鈥減ublicforum.kennesaw.edu鈥. Completed forms must be submitted to 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students in person, via email to, or via the web form at least four University business days prior to the scheduled event. For more information regarding the reservation process, see Section E of the Freedom of Expression Policy.
  • Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) seeking to reserve campus indoor spaces should work with the Department of Student Activities.

    For all other individuals and/or organizations, please work with the Department of Event and Venue Management (EVM).  EVM generally controls the use of academic and non-academic spaces at 91青青草, including indoor space. Individuals who wish to reserve indoor space at 91青青草 must comply with EVM鈥檚 policies and procedures. More information is available at: 

  • Amplified sound refers to any sound whose volume is increased through amplification equipment (audio/visual equipment), whether that equipment is powered by electronic, mechanical, instrumental, or motor-powered means. The use of amplified sound in outdoor areas is governed by 91青青草鈥檚 Outdoor Amplified Sound Policy, which is available under the 鈥淧olicies鈥 tab at .
    • Check out 91青青草鈥檚 Public Forum page for more information about the Freedom of Expression Policy and additional resources.
    • Read the Division of Legal Affairs鈥 FAQs About the .
    • Submit a question via the 鈥淐ontact Us鈥 page of the Public Forum website or email 91青青草鈥檚 Office of the Dean of Students at

Contact Us

Please contact us with any questions or for assistance using the form below or call the Office of the Dean of Students at 470-578-6367 (91青青草-ODOS).