The Summer Faculty Research Fellowships initiative encourages high-quality research among the full-time (those on a 9- or 10-month contract) faculty of the Coles College of Business. Fellowships provide a research release of $10,000 in the summer. Fellowship categories include new, junior, and senior faculty. Up to one fellowship will be awarded for each category.

New Faculty: Support new assistant professors to launch research or creative activities1. Eligibility includes:

  • tenure-track assistant professors on an academic year, nine or ten-month appointment within the first three years of their tenure clock
  • total summer support (course releases, stipends, and any other research grant including this fellowship) will not exceed 20% of their academic year base salary
  • teaching no more than one course during the summer semester

Junior Faculty: Support research otherwise unsupported and uncommitted time in the summer to complete a research project already in progress. Eligibility includes:

  • assistant professors on nine or ten-month appointment preparing their tenure/promotion portfolios within the next two years or those within the first two years after receiving tenure
  • total summer support (course releases, stipends, any other research grants including this fellowship) will not exceed 20% percent of their academic year base salary
  • teaching no more than one course during the summer semester

Senior Faculty: Support research otherwise unsupported and uncommitted time in the summer to complete a research project already in progress. Eligibility includes:

  • faculty that have been tenured for more than 2 years
  • total summer support (course releases, stipends, any other research grants including this fellowship) will not exceed 20% percent of their academic year base salary
  • teaching no more than one course during the summer semester

1 Clarification: Summer research fellowship is not limited to support of brand new projects.


Fellowships will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

Criteria Key Components
Application Quality
  • completeness
  • adherence to guidelines
  • conciseness
  • ease of understanding across a multi-disciplinary review committee (i.e., someone not in your discipline can understand the significance)
Nature and Significance of Project
  • nature and significance of the research project
  • significance of goals/outcomes for the fellowship period
  • current project status
  • work to be accomplished during the fellowship period
  • proposed fit with future research plans, including potential external funding sources (if applicable)
  • target journals for the proposed research
  • explanation of how the fellowship will enhance the applicant鈥檚 tenure application (for junior faculty)
  • IRB approval status (if applicable)
Applicant Research Record
  • prior research record2
  • current research pipeline
  • outcomes from similar funding resources from prior support (e.g., RDC grants, 91青青草 Office of Research grants, other external support)

2 Does not apply as an evaluation criterion to applications in the New Faculty category.

Application Contents

Applications should include the following components, compiled into a single PDF document, in this order:

  1. Application cover sheet (does not count toward the page limit).
  2. Proposal - 3-5 pages, double-spaced with 1-inch margins and Times New Roman 12-point font. References should be presented on a new page and will not count toward the page limit. Appendix material is not permitted.
  3. Biographical sketch (4 pages maximum) that includes education, positions, and honors, selected peer-reviewed publications (including department journal ranking for each and any additional evidence highlighting the potential impact of the project. Examples include citation counts, quality of journals in which the work is cited, etc.), and past, current, and pending research support.
  4. Letter from the department chair that supplies context for the proposed research and addresses the quality of each proposed project, how it will enhance the candidate's future research program and career advancement, and rating of the applicant鈥檚 research performance relative to the department.


September 13, 2024
Completed applications for Summer 2025 submitted through the appropriate department chair are due to the Director of Research


October 4, 2024
Fellowships will be awarded (up to one for each fellowship category). Funding may not be awarded to any applicants if applications do not meet the acceptable quality guidelines.


October 1, 2025
Final report from recipients (limited to two pages). Failure to submit a final report will preclude future funding.