OwlSwap Closet is a resource that provides all 91ÇàÇà²Ý students, faculty, and staff with free access to professional attire for academic and employment opportunities as well as everyday clothing. Not only does it give everyone a chance to acquire new-to-you clothing, but it also encourages sustainable consumption.
The closet is made possible thanks to the generous support and donations from the 91ÇàÇà²Ý community. Along with the OwlSwap closet, we also provide professional wardrobe support Dress for Success Program. With our partnership with Career Planning, we help students become more prepared for work environments.
Closet Locations
Owls lacking access to resources can anonymously request access to clothing and other apparel items. Developed in partnership with CARE Services, , and the LGBTQ Resource Center, items are collected within the requested time-frame and brought to a caseworker who then delivers the items to a pre-determined pickup location.
If you are a student who may be dealing with clothing insecurity, food insecurity, homelessness or are at risk of being homeless, and/or previously or currently in foster care. Learn more about CARE Services or visit emergency assistance.